About Us

Hey there, fellow travel enthusiasts!

I’m Santell Mings, the dreamer behind this venture. A passionate traveler myself, I chucked the mundane nine-to-five life as a software engineer to pursue my love for exploring the world.

I started Santosha Vacations Travel Agency because travel has always been my passion, and I believe in the transformative power of exploring new places, connecting with different cultures, and creating memories that last a lifetime. My wanderlust started as a young mom who wanted to take her family on fun vacations every year. Traveling with children can be hard! Armed with nothing but a AAA TripTik and a box of CDs, every summer my husband and I would embark on trips all over the U.S. with our two kids in tow and boy what a time we had! Those are my very best memories of travel. But I do sometimes wonder how the heck we even found the places we were going without today’s GPS technology. But that’s another story for another day.

My wanderlust continues to this day. We’re now empty-nesters and enjoy traveling to different countries, especially in Europe and experiencing the food, culture, and amazing history of places like England, France, Portugal, Italy, and beyond! We also enjoy a laid-back vacation on a beach in the Caribbean from time to time as well. And there is nothing better than when our adult children join us on our adventures!

In this technological age, travel is both much easier and a lot harder. With online travel planning, there is a literal sea of options from which to choose. Today I use my expertise for your benefit, sorting through all the noise and clutter to build the perfect, hassle-free travel plan. We handpick the best travel and tour offers from the most amazing destinations, all according to your travel style and preferences. All you have to do is pack your bags and show up.

I am a fully independent travel agent ready to give you completely personalized service, but I am also partnered with one of the best host agencies in the country. I have the power of their connections with every major travel supplier in the business, so I can get you to wherever you want to go. Dream big and then contact me when you’re ready to start planning your next adventure.

“It’s not about where your starting point is, but your end goal and the journey that will get you there.” Unknown